Sunday, 30 August 2015

Selamat Hari Merdeka

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Atas nama Tuan Semesta Alam yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang 

Dispite whatever your race or culture is. Here is common things that DEFINITELY make you Malaysian! Here we go!
1. We prefer our food as spicy as they come. We love Durian and we eat around the clock. We love our food trip. That's why we need ‪#‎tupperware‬ so much!
2. We feed our phone before we feed ourselves. You know that right!? These days, posting food images on facebook, twitter or instagram is how we best express our deep love for food.
3. Every sentences ends with “lah”. Can lah. No lah. Come on lah. So hot lah. So expensive lah...
4. You call everyone “boss”. "Boss, kasi murah sikit lah...". "Tambah kuah sikit boss!"
5. Talk to the hand - Your hand has magical powers. Hold your hand up and in front of you, you can stop incoming car traffic. Also, raising your hand also gets you past security guards in residential areas. It’s a short, powerful, very Malaysian!

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Terima Kasih! ^_^